

[snow still falls]

snowflakes fall
like people
never noticing
how unique
each one is
being swarmed
by faces
all the same


the dark line

I miss comfortable silence
A shared moment for lovers
the deep quiet of 3 a.m.
rising to a roar
the crack of a smile muted
suffocated in blind ears, deaf eyes
waiting for the shutdown

"Softer now we slide past the ink,
reading behind the story to catch
the bite of reality. She wore blue
to match her eyes, he wore black
to match her heart. We watched
him walk alone, she camouflaged
herself in the dawn."

flip the switch
turn me on
look now
see how I've grown
take another hit
my eyes will show you heaven in chaos
angels with their throats cut
truth flowing free as razor blades
beauty dipped in blood
white fire covering your ocean
catch the flash
breathe in the smoke
breathe in me
[softly now]
ride the line
I miss the silence


frozen flashes

Northern Alaska flourishes behind my eyes,
and the epiphany that is endless night
will capture your thoughts once more.
Struggle through the rising drafts
caused by the deliverance of all I've held true.
Take this smiling icicle of a bullet
from my hand, because this is not an exit.
Weave between reconstructed barriers
repeatedly broken down by failed emotions
and the bonds that lied.
There will be no sleep in this moment
[fear for dreams]
with your second hand still locked on yesterday
from arctic breeze. Search the deafening
wasteland for all my blizzards' memories.
Standing firm, stimulating the copper sensors
of adrenalin that boil on your tongue.
Glide further into the white blanket of lies
with snowblind eyes reaching for a dream.

    [Can you handle your reflection in my ice,
    or does it overwhelm you
    when it shows you cant hide?]

Fix me, with those missing pieces that time
has proudly hidden in the frozen earth
you tread upon. Beyond my mind and wrapped
in Aurora Borealis, feel the heat
of this eternal winter.



This is the minute that matters most.
You walked into my unreality before
the sun set, and now nightfall shimmers
the tears you left behind. Too many
words have passed and your sinking
hope lies justified, lying in my bed,
posing nude in the aftermath. You
should have left the moment alone.
You tasted my physicality and turned
from my mind, leaving me awestruck
in natural light. You want control
of the electricity that lights my rails,
sorry, you don't get to plug me in.
No flipping of a worn switch will
set you free from your own histories.
Frayed wires are left to charge the
dead cells you left me.



In dust we trust
Leading to the whole
Everything has been tampered with
With child proof eyes
Locked in circles
A soothing spin
To make you smile
"Follow me to the mirror, man.
Walk the line, you'll see
everything in a different light.
Everything will be in the light.
Walk into the light.
The light.
Dimmer switch for anger
Face the lost
Stuck between statistics, words
A spark to lead the charge
Passion ignited
Welcome, consumed
From the sections still undaunted
Catch this volume
Red rivers purge the canals
Listen with your mind instead
See with your heart still beating
"Say hello to mirror man. He can
sell you a future so bright, you'll
never care to see again. Nothing
matters because he sets you free,
he's almost like a...god."
Heresy growing louder
I'm here to watch the snow fall
I need white paces
The mirror man is watching
Hunting through the plastic
Lead me to the mirror, man



     Antibiographical man. I am 24 years of age, living comfortably in Pontiac, Illinois. Male by the definition of anatomy, but slinking past the stereotypes all the same. This is a collection of a life behind jaded eyes, poetry that every man, woman, and child can feel and relate to. Take a step into the shadows and follow the breeze at your back, stepping always toward the light. Blink with me.

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