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final proof - front/back covers
underbeat  journal #1©

- january 2003 -
so what is an underbeat journal?
... tho the life/writing styles of underground / beat writers of the 50's 60's etc era can and will never fade or be duplicated, situations much the same in the continuing generations goes on in similar aspects, but does allthis mean we must catagorize ourselves as writers of such? no, something hasta seperate us from the hillarity of hallmark and so the underbeat era is created and we must carry on our own dignities and traditions ....
eat_it_or_die cause we will HOLD onto it all...yes!...

--- journal #1 launch ---
JAN 2003
--- journal #2 launch ---
may 2003
--- journal #3 launch ---
september 2003


the 1st u n d e r b e a t print journal is jam-packed with 41 of the holds
prominent contemporary poets /artists /photographers
=here's the real deal=

W. Laura Alleman -ron androla -Michael Basinski -alan catlin -jim JAZZ chandler -jim christ -cait collins -lynne douglass -scott draGOO -tyler evans -jeff filipski -maura gage -s.a. griffin -j m hash -Michael Hathaway -Donna Hill -Lewis LaCook -Jamie lepore -lyn lifshin -Joeseph Lisowski -duane locke -joe Mahoney -Joseph Graves ‘Malakai’ Trotter -Frank Marcopolos -jan mc Laughlin -didi menendez -jay miner -Carter Monroe -nicholas morgan -Sheila Murphy -charlie nast -Elaine Nimmo -Tim Peeler -jonathan penton -dave pishnery -sara T punk -dan sicoli -bart solarcyzk -chloe ryan -Cheryl ‘cat’ townsend -Rebecca Wilson

and don't miss these essays
• "Given the Fact That There Are Still Poets and There is This History to the Small Press and Other Matters" by michael basinski
• "Through A Glass Eye Darkly" by dickens - from the El Reno federal correctional institution


Talking Pictures
S.A. Griffin w/ Michael Montfort
Charles Bukowski

count 'em, read 'em, call this a collectors item and 'swarm' - don't wait til the last minute

8 1/2 x 11 spiralbound - $5.00 (includes postage and handling)

your underbeat journal #1 NOW!

! spread OUR word !
you don't hafta have a big mouth to spread 'the word'! there's the underbeat journal flyers! pile 'em at cafe readings, in the local barnes n nobles, library, grocery store bulletin board, the neighbors outhouse, and any other place you can think of. don't be cheap spread our ink...and yours!

• click here to print flyers •


click here to bookmark this page for further information as it becomes available!

questions?...hit it at the • grafitti board

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